
To those kind souls who generously dipped into pockets and donated towards an show space in London for my son's end-of-term photographic exhibition, a snap of Stefan (as a thank you) with his work which highlights deforestation in the third world. More information can be seen here  and more info about the exhibition can be seen here.

Three Portraits in Salisbury

Three quick portraits shot recently at Salisbury Cathedral of PDMLers. Fuji X-E1 and Pentax A*85/1.4, in-camera black and white jpeg conversion, all at f/1.4 with simple levels adjustment and slight sharpening. I'll get you next time, Jostein.

Click on image to centre in your window



Chris Mitchell

London Micro Meet April 2013

A small selection of pics from a very brief meeting at the Tate Modern in London on April 1st, 2013. I only shot 3 frames worth keeping on my Fuji X10, and these are below. The 4th is by Bob! And an excellent shot it is. The group shots are by Stef on his 1DmIIn and 17-40/4. Alma actually brought her *ist Ds and there are 2 final pics from her.

Stef shooting with Bob's camera, shot by Bob on my camera. Confusing at best.

A trio of Fujis - from left: Chris Mitchell with his X-Pro1, Bob with his X100 (but cannily a Leica hanging from his shoulder), and me with my little X10. FDML anyone? Chris is sold, but not Bob. He worships at the Leica alter along with Brother Godfrey!
From Left: Chris, Bob, Godfrey, Felipe, Alma, me.

Finally two stunners from Alma - I love the first one.